Facebook Pages are designed to help companies manage their social media presence. Even if you seldom use Facebook, you’ve probably noticed that many of your favorite local businesses have their own profiles. But these aren’t profiles— they’re actually called Facebook Pages, which are exclusively for businesses and organizations to assist them in increasing visibility, connecting with customers, and monitoring their promotional efforts. In this installment of “Prospect Genius Reviews…,” we’ll discuss why we think Facebook Pages are a fantastic tool for small business owners of all kinds.
A Facebook Page is ideal for small business owners because it doesn’t require a regular time commitment to manage. Most small business owners are busy on the job, whether it’s making service calls for appliance repairs or running their own catering company. They don’t have the time to sit down every day to share on social media. Thankfully, Facebook Pages give business owners a convenient way to maintain a steady social media presence no matter how hectic their schedules are.
How do Facebook Pages accomplish that? First, Pages have a feature that allows business owners to schedule posts in advance. That means owners can wait until they have a free afternoon, sit down at the computer, and come up with several posts at once. Then they can schedule those posts to be published at later dates so it will appear as though they’re updating fairly regularly. Planning all of these posts in bulk also helps business owners create several different kinds of posts. One post can be a photo of the company’s new truck, another can be an announcement of a current deal, and another can be a helpful tip for their customers. There’s no shortage of things businesses can share on Facebook, and Pages make it possible to share them all.
Second, Facebook Pages also connect with Twitter accounts, making a company’s Facebook Page its social media hub. In other words, a post on Facebook will automatically be shared on Twitter, as well. This enables business owners to manage two separate social media accounts without having to do twice the work. As a result, more business owners will be inclined to maintain a presence on Twitter, doubling their company’s visibility and social reach. Plus, Twitter doesn’t have scheduled-post functionality on its own, so updating it via a Facebook Page is how owners can schedule Twitter posts in advance. With this feature, business owners can connect with customers on a wider scale and build an audience much more effectively.
It’s a rare occurrence when Prospect Genius reviews a topic so favorably, but we thoroughly believe that Facebook Pages are a wonderful addition to any company’s advertising arsenal. They’re easy to navigate, and they conveniently accommodate a small business owner’s hectic schedule. If you’re not yet using Facebook Pages for your business, we can’t recommend it strongly enough.
Next time, “Prospect Genius Reviews…” will cover the search engine that industry insiders can’t stop buzzing about: DuckDuckGo.